Monday, August 22, 2011

Deviled Eggs

Alright. This is just your classic deviled eggs. I know I know. Its not something you get all the time because someone else has to make them.
But, after this you will have the power to cook and make them yourself..for yourself. You don't have to share.

This dish is just a classic, Its the appetizer that is always gone first at the family thanksgiving get-together because someone never makes enough.
The taste is just amazing. The salty-peppery seasonings on top, the rich flavor of the egg yellows. The slight crunch of the relish with the creamy texture of the mayo makes this dish the amazing and well-known reputable one that It already is.

Large Eggs
Tony Chachere's (I prefer paprika but that's what I had on hand.)
Sweet Relish
Jalapeno Slices(optional)

What to do-
In large pot. Fill with water finger deep.
Put eggs in water before heating.
Bring water to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, Start a timer for 15 minutes and continue boiling.

After 15 minutes pour hot water out and put whole pot in the sink and just start running cold water into the pot. (I put a bunch of ice in mine but that only because I don't like the eggs warm)
Peel all eggs(With peeling eggs you can do it fast or right. not both)
Cut all eggs in half and empty yellows into a bowl.

The Filling-
First things First... You can add more. You cant take any out. So add ingredients carefully.
Be sure to mix filling with a fork.
Add a couple spoonfuls of mayo.
Just a squirt of mustard.
Strain juice of relish with fork and add about 3-4 forkfuls of relish.
Finely chop Jalapeno slices(add to taste)

Mix well until its creamy and to taste.
Add back to Egg half's with spoon.
Sprinkle with Tony's.


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