Saturday, October 15, 2011

BBQ Chicken

This is my family's take on BBQ Chicken. The flavor is amazing with the twang of the BBQ sauce, the spice and heartiness of the chicken and the rolls dipped into the sauce is literately to prison shank someone over..

4-5 Pieces of Chicken(I prefer drumsticks)
Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce
1 Large onion(or 2 medium)
1 pack of brown and serve rolls(I have crescent rolls in the picture but I realized that was int going to cut it, so I left and got some Brown-n-serve)

What to do-
Sprinkle Chicken with tonys' and some garlic salt.
Get a medium skillet hot and brown the chicken(don't leave in to long,Just long enough to get some color on both sides)
Slice up onion and cover bottom of crock-pot.
Put chicken on top of onion and cover with the whole bottle of BBQ sauce.

Put lid on crock-pot and with no peeking leave on high for about 3.5-4 hours. (5ish hours on medium)

Bake Brown-n-serve rolls according to package.
Plate and have sauce in bowl on the side for dipping rolls. (try not to drink it straight, No judgement if you do)


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Corned Beef Hash

Let me just start out with wow. When I was reminded of this meal.. I couldn't buy the items to make it and put it up on here fast enough. I Had completely forgot about this simple and just awesome meal from my childhood.
Now you are going to have to trust me on this one that the flavor is amazing....Because honestly the look of it is disgusting. Ha.

The Flavor is crispy from the fries, salty and hearty from the corned beef and the ketchup on top gives it the twang that it needs. The combination of flavors are classic and powerfully amazing.

Oreida fries (I Prefer the "Crispers")
Corned Beef Hash
Garlic Salt
Onion Powder

What to do-
Pre-heat oven to specified temp for fries. Place fries on cookie sheet with tin foil and put in oven after it comes to temp, set your timer.
At the same time as starting the fries, have a medium skillet heated on mid-high,place a little butter(like 1/2 teaspoon) in and let it melt.
Put Corned beef in and flatten it out.(This is the part that comes in where you need to ignore the looks and smell, Judge it after you taste the cooked product,ha.)
Put a Nice Coat of Garlic salt on. Some onion powder and Tonys'.

I try to flip it in sections with a spatula as best as possible.
Cook until browned and a little crusty. (about 8-10 minutes,should done right around the time the fries are.)
Put fries on plate and cover with Corned beef. Top with ketchup.


Saturday, August 27, 2011


Alright, This is just Simple Stupid Spaghetti. Its just the combination of things that I have found that make the best Spaghetti!

Barilla Thin Spaghetti
Prego Chunky Garden (Tomato, Onion and Garlic)
80/20 Ground Chuck (About 1 Pound)

What to do-
Start Meat in large skillet on medium high when you start the time for the pasta.
Cook pasta by box instructions. (adding a palm full of salt to the boiling water)
Brown Meat and add Garlic Salt and Tony's (or Pepper).
Chop meat into small bits with spatula.
When pasta is done(Taste a string to make sure its done), Strain and put back into boiler off the heat,Add Spoonful of butter.

Get paper towels and move meat to one side of skillet and sob up all the grease you can.
Add 3/4 of Sauce and stir into meat. Add more if needed, Wing it.
Lightly sprinkle Sugar over meat and sauce. Stir in.
Turn sauce and meat on low and serve when warm.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Deviled Eggs

Alright. This is just your classic deviled eggs. I know I know. Its not something you get all the time because someone else has to make them.
But, after this you will have the power to cook and make them yourself..for yourself. You don't have to share.

This dish is just a classic, Its the appetizer that is always gone first at the family thanksgiving get-together because someone never makes enough.
The taste is just amazing. The salty-peppery seasonings on top, the rich flavor of the egg yellows. The slight crunch of the relish with the creamy texture of the mayo makes this dish the amazing and well-known reputable one that It already is.

Large Eggs
Tony Chachere's (I prefer paprika but that's what I had on hand.)
Sweet Relish
Jalapeno Slices(optional)

What to do-
In large pot. Fill with water finger deep.
Put eggs in water before heating.
Bring water to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, Start a timer for 15 minutes and continue boiling.

After 15 minutes pour hot water out and put whole pot in the sink and just start running cold water into the pot. (I put a bunch of ice in mine but that only because I don't like the eggs warm)
Peel all eggs(With peeling eggs you can do it fast or right. not both)
Cut all eggs in half and empty yellows into a bowl.

The Filling-
First things First... You can add more. You cant take any out. So add ingredients carefully.
Be sure to mix filling with a fork.
Add a couple spoonfuls of mayo.
Just a squirt of mustard.
Strain juice of relish with fork and add about 3-4 forkfuls of relish.
Finely chop Jalapeno slices(add to taste)

Mix well until its creamy and to taste.
Add back to Egg half's with spoon.
Sprinkle with Tony's.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Candy Meat

Let me just start out with wow. haha. This is an old school one that I have not had sense I was a child.
Cooking this, the aroma and taste brought me straight back to my childhood of playing in the pool, coming inside and stuffing our faces with this stuff.

Its super simple, basic and unbelievably sexy. It looks weird, smells weird but the taste is just amazing. ha!

Domino Light Brown Sugar
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
Can of Spam

Slice the brick of meat in like quarter inch slices (you should get about 10ish slices out of a can)
Lay them out on a cookie sheet COVERED IN FOIL. (because what it leaves on there you'll never get it off the pan.)
Put some of the brown sugar in a bowl (maybe 1/2 cup) with a good squirt of honey.
Add hot as it gets water from your sink(just a splash) and stir.
Your wanting it to be a heavy syrup consistency.

Cook mac&cheese from box instructions.
Once you have your noodles in the water put your oven on broil and put sauce on top of meat. Place on top rack.
cook until sugars are caramelized(medium brown)
Take meat out and flip.
Add more sauce and stick them right back in there.
Cook until caramelized. This should time out perfect with your mac&cheese.
Plate food and don't get addicted.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Chicken Fajitas

Chicken Fajita's are one of my all time favorites because its Super Simple, largely proportioned and very few ingredients.
They are sweet from the sauteed peppers, sexy onions and tangy from the chicken and seasonings.
Ive tried Many fajita seasonings and this .88 Cent packet from the grocery is BY FAR the best. Although it does have a recipe on the back of the packet that looks similar to mine, its not mine and it sucks. You have to do it Simple style.(was that catch phrase trying to hard? I think so, but I'm still going for it)Ingredients-
1 pack(8ct) Large White Tortillas
Boneless Skinless Chicken breast(4lb bag 7$)
2 medium size Yellow onion(or 1 huge one)
3 bell peppers (I prefer 2 red,1 yellow)
1 McCormick Fajita Mix
Slice up your peppers and onions(be sure to take out the seeds and all center stuff of your peppers and the cores of your onions)
Thaw 3ish chicken breast and cut into SMALL bite size pieces(they swell twice as large after cooked!)

In Large skillet heat a drizzle of olive oil on pretty much high. Toss in chicken and cook until done (about 4ish minutes)
Sprinkle half of your seasoning packet onto chicken and stir.
Add the other half to 1/4 cup of hot water and mix.
Throw your veggies on top of chicken and pour your seasoning mix on top of all that Sexy.
Stirring occasionally cook until veggies are soft. (about 7 minutes)
Serve on warm tortillas.

Heating the tortillas...If you have an electric stove the best way to heat is turning the burner on medium and running the tortillas directly across the burner until hot.
The other option is wrapping tortillas in damp paper towel and microwaving until warm(about 20 seconds)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Super Simple BBQ Shrimp

This BBQ Shrimp Recipe has been a favorite in my family sense the first day we found it only god knows where. The point is, Its here and its Sexy and Full of Flavor.

The Sweet and salty goes perfect with the rich flavor of the shrimp and butter. Through the days Ive been constantly thinking of what simply cooked meal im going to blog next. I have a good bit of them up my sleeve.
The thing I did not expect to realize is that even though these meals are simple and have Very Few ingredients they are packed with complex flavors.
Just walking through the grocery store I find myself looking at every cheap protein and figuring out what I can do with it.
I love the learning experience im going through with attempting to teach.

Sea Best-Easy peel raw shrimp 26/30ct(17$)
Fleischmann's original butter (this brand is very important)
Black pepper
Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
Loaf of french bread(optional,I don't but have before and it was great)


Thaw out shrimp and put in 13x9 glass pan with shells still on. Just one layer of shrimp,do not stack.
(if doing a whole bag,you'll need two 13x9 pans)

Fill pan with Worcestershire Sauce half way up shrimp.(A bit more than one larger bottle of it if your doing two pans)
Cover shrimp with pepper(when you think its alot of pepper...add a little more.)
Add One and a Half sticks of butter per pan. Just slice with butter knife and evenly throw it around the pan.

Cook in oven on 375F for about 7 mins.
Take out and flip all shrimp with fork.
Place back in oven for about 8 mins or until all shrimp are pinkish orange,firm and all tails are curled.

For Bread-
Wrap loaf in foil and heat in just turned off oven for about 3 mins or until warm and soft.
Slice and serve with shrimp.

Proper Eating Technique-

Put shrimp in bowl with a Good amount of juice on top. Put bowl on top of plate for a trash plate for the shells.
Before peeling shrimp dunk in juice and suck off of shell. peel and dunk again.
Dip bread in juice also only if your wanting to become addicted at this point.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Easy Chicken & Rice.

OK, Back to the basics. This meal reminds me of my childhood. Thus is why I picked this meal to be my first post.
There is just something about shoving protein and carbs in your mouth that screams comfort food to me. Its dirty and I like it.
Its a Sweet and Salty combination that will have you raking every last grain from the bottom of your bowl.


Minute Premium Rice
Tyson's Grilled and Ready chicken breast strips
Garlic Salt
Onion Powder
Lea & Perrins Original Worcestershire Sauce

What To Do-
Add one cup of water to small boiler w/ lid. Bring to boil and add spoonful of butter and some garlic salt and onion powder. Let butter melt in boiling water and stir in one cup of rice. Put lid back on and take off burner after bringing back to a boil. Let SIT 10 minutes or until chicken is done.

Put still frozen chicken (a good size handful) in small or medium skillet with burner almost on high. Once you hear it sizzling add a spoonful of butter. After chicken is half-way thawed sprinkle with Garlic salt, Onion powder and more butter.
After chicken is completely thawed chop into bite size pieces and sprinkle with Worcestershire sauce and let caramelize.
Pour chicken over rice in a bowl.

Add enough Worcestershire sauce to cover bottem of skillet and boil down until thick and larger bubbles. Add spoonful of butter and let melt. Pour over chicken and Rice.
